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*Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (Mutare)* *Follow Pindula on WhatsApp for daily new updates* https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va84dngJP21B2nWeyM3v?ze *Job Description* CARE is a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to fighting poverty and social injustice with a special emphasis on women and girls. CARE began working in Zimbabwe in 1992 in response to severe regional drought and has since expanded programming to address longer-term development issues. The organization seeks to recruit outstanding candidates who are known for their excellence, professionalism, integrity and who are committed to providing support to the country office. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply for the position mentioned above. ABOUT THE PROJECT ---------- Latest *Samsung A06 128GB, 4GB* now available $110 To order, WhatsApp: wa.me/263715068543 Ruth: 0716 744 619, Leesa: 0713 133 298, Limbikani: 0772 464 000 ---------- CARE Zimbabwe and its program partners, will implement a European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) funded project to provide emergency assistance to the most vulnerable households affected by drought in priority districts of Zimbabwe. These organizations will collaborate to deliver integrated support to the most at-risk households in Gokwe North and Mutare Districts. The assistance will include food voucher aid to address immediate food needs during the peak lean season spanning four months, coupled with initiatives aimed at preventing undernutrition, facilitating referrals, enhancing institutional capacity for community management of acute malnutrition, and facilitating mobile community. To ensure timely and adequate monitoring of the project in line with donor and CARE requirements and enhance project's evidence-based programming and decision-making through the provision of relevant and accurate monitoring and evaluation information. The Officer achieves this through offering support in setting up and implementing a context-relevant monitoring, evaluation and learning system comprised of frameworks, tools and methodologies that ensure timely and accurate collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data and information about the project. The position also promotes the project's adaptive management through supporting learning activities and ensures program quality and accountability of project actions to the donor and target communities. *Duties and Responsibilities* Supporting the designing of the monitoring and evaluation system through Supporting in designing the project monitoring and evaluation plan. Develops the learning framework and adolescent and community-led monitoring tools. Receives the performance measurement framework and develops an indicator performance tracking tool and an activity tracker. Developing processes and progress monitoring data collection tools including digitizing data collection tools Learning framework and adolescent and community-led monitoring tool Indicator performance tracking tool and activity tracker Planning project and monitoring and evaluation activities. Supporting the development of annual and quarterly implementation work-plans including target setting Developing concept notes that include methodologies and standard operating procedures for monitoring activities. Supports in developing evaluation terms of reference and timelines Results: Annual and quarterly implementation work-plans with targets Concept notes and standard operating procedures Evaluation terms of reference Rationale: This ensures activities implementation according to project timelines and enhances fidelity. Implementing monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities Supports in the baseline, midline and end line evaluation and supervises enumerators during data collection. Collects data through tracking all project outcomes including adolescent and school led activities and supervises data collection by project staff or stakeholders. Ensures quality control of data from MEAL Interns, enumerators and Project Field Officers during registration and on-going data collection for project monitoring. Facilitate Monitoring and Evaluation review meetings with stakeholders, country office teams, project staff and adolescents. e. Provides technical assistance to project staff, partners, and stakeholders on M&E Data analysis and sensemaking Consolidates process and assessment data at project level for further analysis. Updates targets, outlines detailed definition of each indicator, methods, and frequency of data collection for each of those indicators and who will be responsible for collecting the data and analysis methods. Analyses data by structuring and organizing it to get a sense of the trends and patterns emerging from the implementation of the project. Ensures data are accurate and truly reflect project outputs and outcomes by regularly assessing the quality of the data collected. *Qualifications and Experience* Post Graduate Degree in Monitoring and Evaluation or a Degree in Statistics or Economics or an equivalent Certificate from a reputable tertiary institution. A master’s degree in social sciences, Statistics, Demographic Studies. A minimum of two years of relevant experience in designing M&E systems and tools and supporting evaluations for developmental and humanitarian projects. Good quantitative and qualitative analytical and report writing skills to demonstrate project impact to donor, project, and community levels. Ability to work with and in remote locations and willingness to travel for field data collection. *Other* *How to Apply* Click HERE To Apply. If you suspect that you have been a victim of fraud from someone purporting to be CARE, please contact us at legal@care.org. Deadline: 13 December 2024 _If you found this article useful_ *Please support Pindula by forwarding to friends and groups*
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